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Data science
Python programming
Artificial Intelligence
Concepts of AI and Data Science
Here's a shortened version of the notes: 1. Matplotlib: Python plotting library for customizable plots. 2. Seaborn: Python library for statistical graphics. 3. Plotly: Versatile library for interactive plots and dashboards. 4. Bokeh: Python library for interactive web visualizations. 5. D3.js: JavaScript library for interactive data visualizations. 6. ggplot2: R library for flexible and powerful plots. 7. Highcharts: JavaScript library for interactive web charts. 8. Tableau: Data visualization tool for interactive dashboards. 9. Power BI: Microsoft tool for data visualization and analytics.
4 Reviews
6 months ago
the kcb videos and notes are not playing
10 months ago
This module was easy to understand
11 months ago
excellent and quality
An excellence center for AI and Data Science in Kenya, Africa & the world. We offer a wide range of solutions in AI.
Very cool instructor
Florence Wanjiru Kania
What libraries are used in data visualizations? Matplotlib - Supports various plot types - integrates with other libraries - widely used Seaborn - Provides higher level interface for statistical plotting - Supports various plot types